I hurt.
First day of track practice. Awww man. Don't get me wrong- track is my favorite sport. Period. However, it kills your body. So today my legs moved far too much for their liking and my lungs worked a little too hard for being croupy already.
I complain too much.
On a lighter note.. hmm.
In Econ today, my teacher mentioned a tater tot eating contest he'd had with my brother. Ahh I always loved that story.
Saw an old family friend at our school's basketball game today! And also got to go with my Dad, brother, and boyfriend.
Picked up a book I've been needing to get at Barnes and Noble. Unfortunately it's Crime and Punishment. Dense reading here we go.

That's probably about it. I'm trying to work out going to the Taylor Swift concert next fall!!! Crossing my fingers. That's like my dream- she's my all time favorite performer!
Anyways. Not a lot to talk about tonight. I think I'm going to go take a warm shower and then climb into bed. With about 15 blankets. Because it's FREEZING here.
I either want snow or sunshine.
The latter sure sounds wonderful at the moment. Can it just be summer already?

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