Of stress.
Today I'm home sick. Only not home from school, nah that's no longer allowed! I'm missing too many days of school when I go to China to take sick days!!
In 15 days I will be on an airplane to Seoul, Korea, followed shortly by another long plane ride to Beijing. 15 days! That's crazy!
It's hard to believe that my beautiful little sister whom we know only through brief letters and photographs will soon be joining our family.
I remember the day we met Luke at the orphanage. His big almond eyes. His excited babble to his friends. His utter joy at the bubbles we were blowing to entertain him.

How quick we all bonded. I can only hope that with my new sister the bonding will be as instantaneous, but there is always fears of a more difficult struggle. Though no struggle is insuperable.
I haven't begun packing yet. However, I'm sure I will soon. Two weeks from tomorrow. Sheesh! That date sure snuck up on us!
Yesterday I made some cupcakes for some friends at work. They turned out pretty well for being spur of the moment!

I've also been making bows lately in excessive amounts to take to China with us. Sometimes when that creative flow starts it just doesn't stop!
I turned 18 this past Saturday, and spent a wonderful day at work(partially), with my family, and with my wonderful boyfriend. I haven't really worked out a birthday party yet- China's been creeping up on us too fast, but that'll get done eventually.
Things are crazy. Life is pretty good.
Hopefully I'll blog more. :P
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