Monday, March 7, 2011

A bad name

I think all of us track runners give track a bad name. Probably because we all complain so much.

In reality? I'm pretty sure most of us can't live without it.

Here's where my frustration comes in. Remember how I was sick last week? Well I still am. So. Despite my detest for the doctor, I decided to go today to save my mama from worrying about me still being sick in China (t-minus 8 days!!!!!!).

So I went to the doctor.

And you know it's not starting off well when his response to you is something along the lines of "Well.. I mean.. it's not exactly normal. So we'll try out this medicine."

Medicine with a side effect of tightened tendons. Meaning no running/jogging/physical activity for the week.

Meaning no running/jogging/physical activity for A MONTH. Since we'll be in China the next 3 weeks. UGH!

This is 3 seasons in a row that I've been out for a week or more. And the season just barely started!

Anyways. I should go to school since my appointment ended a little while ago and I'm supposed to be teaching my pre-school class today.



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