Thursday, July 31, 2008


You think I'd be inspired by my blogger of a mother to blog more. It's been a long long while since my fingers have hit this keyboard. Visit her blog here.

Well it's the summer before my sophmore year in highschool. And so far everything has been amazing. I spent yesterday with some friends hot tubbing and then watching a movie. Which ended as me falling asleep on the floor and getting woken up by my phone vibrating next to my ear. Not all that fun. :P

I never did post that kick off blog did I? Well it's currently 9:08 at night and I have nothing better to do! I already cleaned my room today, and it took five hours. (It was a bit messy...)

Well lets see. The best way I can think to kick this off is with some pictures.


My crazy family minus a few and plus a couple cousins. :]


This would be my mother and I. Even if she comes of mature in her blog this picture shows her real side. Haha. I have an even better one of her wearing goggles I'll make sure to post later. ;)


My friend. Who's a boy. As my father likes to call him.


My best friend and I.

Wowwww. My blogs must look like weak sauce when compared to my mothers. They're like a little poem compared to her novels.

Hopefully I'll catch onto her blogging-ness someday and I can live up to what I have to help her with. Oh wait shhh she blogs all on her own.

Just teasing. She's actually become a much more independent blogger, I've only had to help her once in the past few months!


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