Monday, December 14, 2009

Essay procrastination.

I'm currently writing an essay based on a piece by Annie Dillard. No offense to her- I highly enjoy her excerpts. I just hate the prompts I get about them.

So. I'm currently 100 words short and not wanting to finish! WOO! Yay for procrastination. Oh and did I mention that I got this prompt a month ago? Oh yeah- it's also due tomorrow. And I started three hours ago.

You probably think I should just finish it. I probably should. I simply have a hatred for this type of writing.

Why do I dislike it so? I'm a creative writer. I write to please, I write to entertain, and I write for my own enjoyment! I like to use pretty words, extend my thoughts, typical writing stuff.

What do I not like? Guidelines. Exact guidelines. Writing tight. Writing 'right' according to AP standards. I honestly do not care how Dillard's diction contributes towards the title of her piece! Do you?? NO!

Sigh. I'll finish at some point or another. I'd say I'm hoping for an ice storm tonight so it won't be due tomorrow. But I can't even hope for that since we turn essays in online.

On a lighter note, I just got a little modeling job! Not a big deal- actually for a children's company but the owner is hoping to extend to teens. My favorite part? I get to keep everything I model with! The company is called 'Woobie Wear'- their website is Check it out! I'll make sure to put up a few of my first pictures once they're taken!

I think I'll get back to writing that pointless essay of mine. Sigh. I'm ready for senior year already!!


Mei Mei s and Mayhem said...

Glad you like the WoobieWear!! Cant wait to see pictures of your Rockin hair accessories!! Make sure to copy me on them!!!

Mei Mei s and Mayhem said...

Thanks Emily, you are so sweet. I really appreciate the compliment!!
I wished we still lived closer!! I miss your family so much!!