Tip number 1- If you're trying it on in the store and you have that 'eh..' moment once it's on. Do. Not. Buy. It. Trust me on this one. You can have the 'eh..' moment while it's still on the hanger, but if you experience it while the item is on, you don't love it. Therefore it is not worth your valuable money. (Or your mom's...) Otherwise here's what happens to those clothing items...
And they stay on that shelf!
Tip number 2- If it doesn't fit quite right, don't get it! If you want to buy it because you feel like it'll fit better in a few weeks when you lose those summer couch potato pounds, resist the urge. Uncomfy clothes are definitely not worth it. And if in those few weeks you do manage to lose those pounds, go get it then- when you deserve it!
Tip number 3- Is it really worth the money? And I mean this quite honestly. It's okay to splurge on items that you will wear repeatedly for more than one season. I ask my self 'Will I wear this for as many days as it is dollars?'. And in addition to this, look for something similar at a cheaper price.
My favorite stores? Forever XXI, Target, and Old Navy. Adorable clothes for ridiculously cheap prices.
Here's a few of my deals for back to school:
Oh. And one more little tip.. So I don't make myself sound so hypocritical. It is okay to buy something a little crazy and fun. Even if you know you'll look a bit ridiculous. That just makes it all the more tempting right?? But only do this oh so often!
When I saw the boots I couldn't resist.. despite that they really don't match anything.
But the satisfaction of wearing them around Party City today?? Priceless. :]
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